Steps to Install Environment for Angular Web Development
1 min readMay 8, 2022
Step 1:- Install Node.js
- Goto:-
- Download the LTS version depending on your operating System
- Use below command to check whether it gets installed or not on your machine
- node — version (Note. — is 2 hyphen but due to medium it is showing — )
Step 2:- Install npm
- npm gets automatically installed when we install node.
- Use below command to check whether it gets installed or not on your machine.
- npm — version
Step 3:-Install Type Script Compiler(Transpiler)
- Use below command to install typescript compiler
- npm install -g typescript //-g is for global which installs globally on your machine
- use below to check whether it gets installed or not on your machine
- tsc — version
Step 4:-Install CLI
- Use below command to install Angular CLI
- npm install -g @angular/cli
- Use below command to check all versions
- ng — version
Step 5:-Create one .ts file as First.ts
Step 6:-Transpile .ts file to .js file using below command
- tsc First.ts
- New file gets created as First.js
Step 7:-Execute that .js file using node.js
- Use below command to execute the code
- node First.js
Step 8:- Create One Angular Project using below command.
- node First.js
- ng new JayGajanan
- One new directory gets created as JayGajanan
Step 9:-Go to that directory through command prompt and start the project
- ng serve //where ng is from Angular and it stands for Next Generation and serve stands for Server
Step 10:- Open browser and goto the below URL to check the O/P of Angular Application.